Wednesday, April 10, 2013

New workout routine

I have been fighting for the past 9 months to 1) find motivation to move forward in my weight loss journey & 2) to lose weight. So back in September/October 2012 time frame I decided to get set up with the trainer at the gym on base so I could get a more focused routine and plan. It seems like ever since I did that I fit problem after problem trying to get in the way of staying on track. But over all I finished the first 6 weeks of his program of daily weight training and 40 minutes of endurance cardio. I of course didn’t lose a pound but I did improve my flexibility a bit, increased my strength some and best of all went from a VO2 pathetic score to being VO2 elite. (VO2 a measure of your cardiorespiratory fitness level) So not all was lost, some things were moving forward, and now I ran about a 5K daily, took on the stair master and could start to see some muscle definition.
With the first 6 weeks done, it was time to switch weight training up and push harder in cardio. Time to move forward – insert here: more shin splints, hip pain and weakness, physical therapy for hip, family visiting, the holidays, and 2 allergic reactions. Working out and losing weight was a mini rollercoaster, up a few pounds then back down to my plateau weight, up a few, down a few, and return to my plateau weight. Im so tired of feeling like this battle is never going to be over. I have to change something to move forward.
My sister-in-law with the start of her weight loss journey has inspired me to hop back on the wagon, but this time I am trying something different, I am going back to the basic with my cardio and pushing myself more in strength training. Back in the beginning of 2012 I lost 34 pounds and have at least managed to keep it off and at that time I was learning to run. So, run a little, walk a lot, trying to improve my time and distance for a July 5K. I never kept track of my heart rate then, even though I was encouraged to, things were going good. Therefore, I am slowing down and paying attention to my heart rate with a new routine.
The new plan:
Keep my heart rate at about 70% for a 2 mile, 30 minute walk, checking my heart rate at about every half mile.
I have also compiled a strength training routine for the week too, my goal here is to improve each week on either the count, time, or modification (doing straight leg arm dips, straight leg push-ups, adding weights, etc.)
Monday – Arm dips, push-ups, bicycle crunches, plank, jack knife crunches
Tuesday – Jump squats, lunges, calf raises, bridge side crunches
Wednesday – Superman, Russian twist, inclined push-up, mountain climbers
Thursday – Glute kickbacks, inner thigh raise, side leg raise w/ half circle, pile squats, side plank
Friday – Wall sit, plank, burpees, squats, push-ups
As far as my eating I am following weight watchers.
Here’s to moving forward.
